Creating jump menus

A jump menu is a pop-up menu of options that link to a document or file. You can create links to documents in your Web site, links to documents on other Web sites, e-mail links, links to graphics, or links to any file type that can be opened in a browser.

There are three basic components a jump menu can contain:

A menu selection prompt, such as a category description for the menu items, or instructions, such as "Choose one:".
A list of linked menu items: a user clicks an option and a linked document or file opens.
A Go button.

Once a jump menu item has been selected, there is no way to reselect the item if you navigate back to that page, or if the Open URL In field specifies a frame. There are two ways to work around this problem:

Use a menu selection prompt, such as a category, or a user instruction, such as "Choose one:". A menu selection prompt is reselected after each menu selection.
Use a Go button, which allows a user to revisit the currently selected link.